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Irish jams made from FRESH Irish fruits.Much better than the commercial flavour added jams!

Results 1 - 10 of 40
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Apricot Jam

Home made Apricot Jam

3,50 €

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Carlow Honey

Carlow Produced Irish Honey

7,00 €

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Spicy Apple Chutney

Irish made Spicy Apple chutney

4,00 €

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Marmalade Thick Cut

Home made Marmalade Thick Cut

3,50 €

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Lemon Marmalade

Home made Lemon Marmalade

3,50 €

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Green Tomato Chutney

Irish made Green Tomato chutney

4,00 €

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Strawberry & Apple Jam

Home made Strawberry & Apple Jam

3,50 €

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Hollys Hot Dip Chutney

Irish made Hollys Hot Dip chutney

4,00 €

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Rhubarb Jam

Home made Rhubarb Jam

3,50 €

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Hot Chilly & Tomato Chutney

Irish made Hot Chilly & Tomato Chutney

4,00 €

Product details

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