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Home made jellies

Results 1 - 10 of 10


Mixed Fruit Jelly

Mixed Fruit Jelly

3,50 €

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Blackcurrent Jelly

Blackcurrent Jelly

3,50 €

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Cranberry Jelly

Cranberry Jelly

3,50 €

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Apple Jelly

Home made Apple Jelly

3,50 €

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Quince Jelly

Quince Jelly

3,50 €

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Crabapple and Mint Jelly

Crabapple and Mint Jelly

3,50 €

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Japonica Jelly

Japonica Jelly

3,50 €

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Blackberry Jelly

Blackberry Jelly

3,50 €

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Crab Apple Jelly

Crab Apple Jelly

3,50 €

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Blackberry&Apple Jelly

Blackberry&Apple Jelly

3,50 €

Product details